This course unpacks 4 core body senses that create body awareness. It explains how babies and children use Movement Play to build them, and how this kind of sensory development impacts on all learning.
It enables you to:
broaden your understanding of sensory development
develop your environment to support more engagement in sensory play
identify and support children with sensory processing issues

This course is for:
all early years practitioners working with children from 0 - 7
teachers and learning support staff in primary schools who want to put movement at the heart of the curriculum; and those looking for ways to support children with additional needs
special school staff who want to make links between sensory processing and Movement Play
it will be of particular interest to anyone supporting children with sensory processing challenges
What's included:
Online course
2.5 hours of course material
25 video lessons with tutor Penny Greenland
13 audio stories about children’s movement
4 quizzes to test your developing knowledge
practical downloads: sensory profiles and observation structures
Next Steps:
follow the link below to create your account
gain access to the course materials for 3 months to complete at your own pace
refresh your practice - find ways to support sensation driven Movement Play
combine with other Jabadao courses to build the full approach
be part of a community dedicated to ensuring children have opportunities to build a deep connection with their body
Personal, social and emotional learning is strengthened
children build a stronger sense of self
they can notice and communicate their feelings, needs and wants more easily
they can empathise with others and negotiate their needs more flexibly
Body intelligence and cognitive intelligence work hand in hand
sensory information supports memory
and emotional learning
Body confidence grows
Children build great balance, co-ordination and spatial awareness
they feel calm inside
they become genuinely confidence in their physicality
Outcomes for children
Course content
An online course exploring the senses that create The Feeling of Me and the movement that builds them
Whole-bodied Touch
Whole-bodies Touch tells us about our own body and the world around; and gives us information to help us keep ourselves safe; as well as how to handle objects and make them work for us
Proprioception gives us our internal body map and felt sense of our body position. It plays a vital role in co-ordination, object manipulation and body confidence
The Vestibular Sense
The Vestibular Sense provides information about our body in motion and supports our capacity for both physical and emotional stability
Interoception is the feelings on the inside, (like hunger and thirst); and the sensations that we learn to interpret as emotions - the raw materials of emotional intelligence
"The stories are brilliant. Some are very emotive and gave me goose bumps whilst listening. It should be part of secondary education alongside parenting."

EY Advisor
Gail MacDonnald
Ceredigion County Council
"The course was brilliant. It really put into perspective why children behave in certain ways and how we can put things into place to meet their needs"

Play Development Worker
Olivia Gorman
Splash Sure Start
"I deliver a baby programme and I have lots of information to share with these new mums"

Play Development Worker
Aileen McDonnell
Sure Start South Armagh
Rethinking sensory play
Children move as much to create sensation in their body, as they do to develop motor skill. This sensation-driven movement play is a key way they explore and build sensory development and sensory processing. They create movement filled with sensation (push, pull, spin, tip, roll, wriggle, jump, run), as a way to flood themselves with body information - and get to know it. Lots of repetitive play means they become familiar and comfortable with these sensations in different circumstances. Gradually they build a strong and predictable Feeling of Me as a container for everything else they will do. Making space for robust child-led movement play gives them excellent and effective opportunities to build this vital foundation.

Take this course to:
widen your knowledge of sensory play
learn how sensory processing impacts your children’s behaviour and especially the links between the body senses and self-regulation
understand the movement behaviours that indicate your children need more time to develop these senses
learn how movement play supports sensory development
create new opportunities for all children to get the Movement Play they need
create sensory profiles to help you focus in more detail on children you are concerned about